Carolyn Mukai, ND
Carolyn Mukai, ND
Tandem Clinic
183 W. 2nd Avenue
BC, BC V5Y 1B8 604.670.0590604.670.0590
Carolyn Mukai, ND

Certifications: Acupuncture, Advanced Injection Therapies / IVs, Prescriptive Authority

Dr. Carolyn Mukai, ND has a general naturopathic practice with a special interest in complex chronic disease, including Lyme disease and associated illnesses. Her main area of focus is investigating the underlying causes or contributors to chronic illnesses such as Lyme disease including infections, environmental exposures, and immune dysfunction.

Dr. Carolyn Mukai, ND is a graduate of Canada’s first and only CNME accredited residency program focused on Vector-borne Illness and Chronic Complex Disease at Tandem Clinic.