Martha Reid, ND
Martha Reid, ND
Doctors' Choice Integrative Medicine Clinic
1190 Thurlow Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 1X3 604-688-1169604-688-1169
Martha Reid, ND

Certifications: Acupuncture, Advanced Injection Therapies / IVs, Prescriptive Authority

Located in a beautiful heritage house in Vancouver's WestEnd, Doctors' Choice Integrative Medicine is unlike any other clinic in the city.  We offer Naturopathic services, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Regisitered Holistic Nutrition and a bounty of interactive workshops through our Medicine Kitchen.  Check out our Clinic Store for house-made Aromatherapy products, Herbed Honey, Seed Cycling Kits and much more! 

Visit us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!  Simply search Doctors' Choice Integrative or @dcimvancouver.